No surprise credit card fees. What you see is what you pay
that Master the Mountain will continue to support
The Life Center of Big Spring
Because of you, we were able to present checks to these worthy causes. When you run with PBE, everybody wins.
Saturday April 18th, 2020 9:00AM
Come be part of a Permian Basin tradition. This unique course includes a scenic overlook of the area and over 200 ft of elevation change.
Beautiful, Challenging. This is a run that you will want to make a regular part of your annual schedule. The run takes place on Scenic Mountain inside the Big Spring State Park.
Make it a tradition
Entry Fees
Online until 3/21 3/21-4/1 4/2-4/17
5k - $25 -- $30 -- $35
10k - $30 -- $35 -- $40
After 4/17 8:00pm and ON-SITE Race Day
(until 8:00am)
5k - $40
10k - $45